Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Band in the House

The Band "Hey Gracie" has seen many practice pads- garages, living rooms, attics, and now basements.  When it became our turn, I was only about 10% worried about having a band in my basement- my neighbor.  Sadly, I have a neighbor that is a 'mr. grumpy pants' and sees the glass half empty.  He promptly gave us our parameters when he heard the band playing. (By the way, it's not super loud, if you are already on our neighbors side- they play 'unplugged')  Mostly it's because we have a quiet, middle class neighborhood.  Did I say that it was silent, like quiet around here on our little cul-de-sac?

I had this nice open space for my piano studio.  Students could stretch and roll around (yes, we do that during MY lessons) and we have loads of fun being active with music!

But, then Hey Gracie needed a new pad.

Come on Drums, come on music stands, and guitars and their stands.
Come on speakers, wires, MORE pianos, and mics.  It's like a musician christmas around here.  My students have been absolute gems and haven't touched a THING!  I'm so proud of them.  It's nice to know that Hey Gracie has had a little bit of home during the practices for the benefit concert. I've enjoyed every bit of it.
*all pictures by

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