Friday, June 20, 2014

What to do? Teenage Summer Fun

photo by Fawn Schimpf

Summer is here and it's best to keep teenagers busy.  Here are a few ideas to help them see their school friends without a screen involved.

photo by Fawn Schimpf

Have a summer get together!

1. Find an outdoor place like a park, barn, or beach. (ask a friend to borrow their barn if you don't happen to have one of those)
2. Make a fire pit or use the fire pit that is at the park, build a fire to sit around and talk or roast marsh mellows.
3.  Ask everyone to bring some food to share.
4.  Play some group games, like badminton, volleyball, or frisbee.
5. Take lots of pictures.

photo by Fawn Schimpf

In harmony and enjoy the summer.

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