Rapunzel let down your hair |
My girl Madison is showing some hutspa and confidence.
She's been doing a Rapunzel thing, growing her hair down to her waist. Her hair is lovely, but how manageable will it be in Peru??
When I told her about back-to-school haircuts for the other kids, I expected her to decline because she's going for the longest hair record. Surprise- she said 'sure'.
Me: Are you just getting a trim?
Madison: I'm getting a cut and a style.
Me: Like a few inches and some layers kind of style?
Madison: No, like taking a lot off and a style.
Me: Are you getting bangs? Are you going to do Locks of Love?
Madison: You'll see.
Madison likes to leave her mom hanging. She had a plan in her mind before we hit the salon. I usually stew for days over magazines or online and still can't make up my mind on a style. Not my girl. Madison was as cool as a cucumber, walked in, flipped open a hair style book, and pointed to a rather short haircut. I don't think she'd EVER had her hair this short. Reagan and I looked at each other and smiled! This is going to be great.
Madison is prepping for 18 months in Peru, partial city life and partial life in villages- who knows what haircare will be like there. Also, she's rounding the adulthood corner of becoming 21. The world is wide open when you are 21. She's taking it with a whole new look.I'm proud of you Madison, not only for donating to Locks of Love, but taking a risk on a new look, and being so mature. Your new doo ROCKS!!
I love it!!!